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 Purposes of practicum

             Everyone lives with a purpose and I believe that everything that happens in our life has a reason. I am really looking forward to this program because we had given the chance to experience teaching practice abroad. Before I decided to join the program questions always run into my mind, can this program really enhance my skills when it comes to teaching? Can I teach the students even though we have language barriers? And these questions are all answered by the time we are in the field.

              I was exposed to learning situations and it really measures my flexibility. Teaching students with a different language used is difficult, but with the help of my cooperating teacher and my initiative in understanding and learning their language makes it easier and smooth. This program also enhances my skills in using the English language; our patience in teaching and in students was tested. And even though we are different in culture and language, but through our common love for education, we understand each other. This experience will be treasured for a lifetime because I believe some things only happen once in our life.



         Teachers teaching procedure revolves around instructional planning, the actual delivery of the lesson, assessment, and evaluation. And this is also what I always do in teaching.

      First and foremost, instructional planning or doing a lesson plan is a very important thing in the teaching process, because it serves as a guide for the teachers to come up with a good flow in the teaching and learning process. So what I did is to familiarize first the topic, provide and formulate lesson objectives based on the curriculum used, and come up with better and engaging activities that are suited to the lesson and to the students.

        In actual delivery of the lesson, first I always told the students that they really need to try their best to ask and answer my questions using the English language. I also told them that they should not feel shy or hesitant to asked questions regarding the lesson. After that, I follow the preliminary activity that is stated in my lesson plan and proceed to the lesson proper. I explain everything and provide samples for them to understand. Then we go on with the activities for me to evaluate and assess them. I always make sure that my students will answer any of my questions and ask them whether they understand the lesson or not. I use the English language since it is our major but I also tried to translate other words in Bahasa language.




        Seeing the students who participated well in every lesson and answering the teacher’s questions shows that they are willing to learn and they can understand the lesson and I am happy because my students do the same thing. When I did my final demo teaching I did not encounter a lot of problems and I am satisfied with the things happens after my final demo.



            Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. And during the program, I faced a lot of challenges and some of these are;

  1.  The language barrier is really the first and difficult problem to manage but because of the help of my cooperating teachers and my Indonesian co-student teachers, I can easily cope with this problem.

  2. Class schedule, one of my class starts at 11:20 and ends at 12:40, this is also a big problem for me because this is the time where the students felt sleepy and hungry that is why it’s hard for me to catch their attention and let them engage and focus with the lesson.

  3. Student’s behavior, they are really excited to meet a foreign teacher but it also became a problem because sometimes they had a lot of questions about the Philippines rather than with the lesson that we have.

  4. Formulating instructions that they can easily understand through the use of English and Bahasa language, activities relevant to the lesson and etc.



            This program is truly an avenue for embracing the strength and beauty of diversity. Yes, we are different from one another but because of our common love for education, we understand each other. Because of this program, we develop our strength when it comes to teaching and learning processes, gain new experiences in life that can motivate us in our endeavor, and give us the chance to embrace other cultures and one’s uniqueness.

            I will give my two thumbs up for the people of Indonesia; they are so kind, approachable and generous in many ways. A big thank you to the Principal and to my Cooperating Teacher in MTsN 1 Mataram for the effort and support they have given in my teaching experience. And also to my students who made every single day a meaningful one.

            I have a lot of stories to tell my family and friends and most especially to my peers. These stories will motivate them in doing well in academics for them also to be part of this once in a lifetime opportunity, the SEAMEO Sea Teacher Program!



            I truly believed that this program is well planned and studied, but allow me to give this few suggestions;

  1. I think Sea Teacher should be given the chance to have time to know the place,  understands the nature of teaching, the culture and the language of the particular country that is why there is a need to extend the duration of the program.

  2. Sea Teachers should have a brief orientation from their receiving university before they sent to their practicum school.

  3. The receiving university should provide planned activities for the Sea Teachers whether it is for practicum purposes or excursions.




we may differ from one another but embracing one's uniqueness can make the world a better place through our common love for EDUCATION 

   Experiencing the beauty and strength of DIVERSITY

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